Salami JEC Joystick



The Salami JEC joystick is suitable for heavy duty applications and benefits from hall effect contactless technology.

The Salami JEC Joystick technical features:

  • 8 – 32 vDC supply voltage
  • aluminium main body material
  • operating temperature range from 25oC to + 80oC
  • life greater than 5 million cycles
  • a multi-function, ergonomic and symmetric handle
  • can operate with single axis (bi-directional movement) and dual axes (cross or all diagonals movement).
  • The Salami JEC-PWM version has 2 x dual proportional/on-off solenoid valves (control of 2 mechanical sections, 12 or 24 vDC).
  • The JEC CANbus version allows 4 digital output signals, 0.7 A (LEDs, detent coils, buzzers, etc.). 6 analogue voltage input signals 0-5 Vdc (proportional rollers) and 6 digital inputs (push buttons).

Contact us for further technical details and configuration options.

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