Helen is announced as a “Northern Power Woman”

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Home News Helen is announced as a “Northern Power Woman”

Hydraulics Online co-founder and director Helen Tonks has, this week, been named as a Northern Power Woman, joining some illustrious names on the Power List.

We’re delighted to share some exciting news: our co-founder and director, Helen Tonks, has been recognised as a “Northern Power Woman”. She joins a host of inspirational women from the North of England on the NPW 2022 Power List.

The Power List “celebrates individuals who challenge the norm and use their influence and power for good… the influential trailblazers from across the North.” The achievement recognises Helen’s dedicated approach to “paying it forward” by engaging with students, those involved in education, and those in and supporting the wider local and regional business community itself.

A catalyst for driving change

NPW is a business community of more than 70,000 people. It is dedicated to accelerating gender equality and social mobility from the North of England. The community seeks to be more than “a talking shop”. To this end, it runs a number of regional and national events.

In 2016, it launched the Northern Power Women awards to spotlight superstars who work tirelessly to create a fairer and more equal community. This year’s awards ceremony will take place at the Manchester Central Convention Complex on Monday March 21st 2022.

In advance of the event, Northern Power Women has announced some additions to its NPW List. Unlike the awards, the Power List isn’t an annual event – once a role model’s name has been added to the list, they stay on the Power List.

The list is compiled through open nomination and selection by a panel of judges.