Bosch Rexroth Oil Control mechanical cartridge valves are designed to meet the needs of any mobile and industrial application. They are available in many configurations with different functional symbols, with and without manual overrides and filters.
Valves typically are rated to 350 bar. The full range of Oil Control Mechanical cartridge valves follows below:
Relief and unloading:
- Direct acting poppet type: VS-5-CN | VS-5-CF
- Direct acting guided poppet type: VS-30 | VS-80 | VSBG-10A | VSBN-08A | VSBN-08F | VSBN-08S | VSBN-10A
- Direct acting guided poppet type hardened seat: VS-30-NCF
- Direct acting poppet type, differential area: VSD-350 | VSDN-08A | VSDN-10A
- Bi-directional direct acting poppet type, differential area: VSNG-10A
- Direct acting poppet type, pressure compensated: VS-30-CC
- Pilot operated spool type: VSPN-10A | VSPN-12A | VSPN-16A | VSRF-08S
- Pilot operated poppet type: VMP1-16 | VSPC-10A
- Pilot operated poppet type and anti-cavitation: VMR1-16 | VMR2-22-FC | VMR2-22-LG
- Pilot operated spool type external drain: VSPY-10A | VSPY-12A
- Pilot operated spool type external pilot: VSPX-12A
- Pilot operated spool type pressure compensated: VSP-CC-150 | VSPP-10A
- Priority unloading pilot operated: VMSN-08A | VMSP-78
Pressure reducing and relieving
- Direct acting spool type and fixed setting: VRPR-07A | VRPR-10A | VRPR-08A | MHDRDB
- Direct acting spool damped type and fixed setting: VRPR-07A-S | VRPR-10A-8
- Pilot operated spool type: VRPX-10A
- Pilot controlled setting: VRPE-10A
Pressure reducing
- Pilot operated spool type: VRPP-10A | VRPP-12A
Check valves
- Poppet type: VUCN-04A | VUCN-08A | VUCN-08F | VUCN-10A | VUCN-12A | VUCN-16A | VUCN-20A | VU-N-38
- Poppet type with thermal relief: VUCN-10A-TR | VUCN-12A-TR
- Poppet reverse type: VUR1-16 | VUR2-22-FC | VUR2-22-LG | VURN-08A | VURN-10A | VURN-12A
Check, pilot operated
- Pilot to open: VSOA-08A | VSOA-10A | VSON-08A | VSON-08U | VSON-10A | VSON-12A | VSON-12U | VSON-16A | VSON-16U
- Dual pilot to open: VSOD-10A
- Pilot to close: VUPC-10A | VUPC-12A | VUPC-25U
- Directional poppet type, shuttle: SELB-08A | SELB-10A | SELC-04A | SELC-08A
- Directional poppet type, shuttle double lock: VUDN-08A
- Directional hot oil, shuttle: SELO-10M
- Check, double lock, with mechanical pilot: VU-DT-D7-CM
- Standard guided poppet type: VBSN-08AA | VBSN-07HH-TF
- Standard guided poppet type, counterclockwise adj: VBSN-08UU-RS
- Standard poppet type differential area: VBSN-08U-TF | VBSN-10A | VBSN-12A | VBSN-16A | VBSN-16U-RF | VBSN-20A
- Standard poppet type differential area, counterclockwise adj: VBSN-08U-RS | VBSN-12U-RS | VBSN-16U-RS | VBSN-25U-RS
- Standard poppet type zero differential area: VBSZ-20A
- Relief compensated guided poppet type: VBSP-08AA
- Relief compensated poppet type differential area: VBSP-10A | VBSP-12A | VBSP-16A | VBSP-16U-RF | VBSP-20A
- Relief compensated poppet type differential area, counterclockwise adj: VBSP-08U-RS | VBSP-12U-RS | VBSP-16U-RS | VBSP-25U-RS
- Vented guided poppet type: VBST-08AA | VBST-10A | VBST-12A | VBST-16A | VBST-20A
- Vented guided poppet type counterclockwise adj: VBST-08U-RS | VBST-12U-RS | VBST-16U-RS
- 4 ports vented poppet type external drain, counterclockwise adj: VBSY-08U-RS | VBSY-12U-RS | VBSY-16U-RS | VBSY-25U-RS
Flow control
- Cartridge restrictors: ST-C-06 | ST-C-10 | ST-C-12 |
- Needle restrictors, free reverse flow: STFU-08A | STVU-08A | STVU-10A
- 2 way pressure compensated, fixed setting: MH2FR | VRFA-08A | VRFA-10A-TF | VRFA-12A-TF | VSRF-08S
- 2 way pressure compensated, partially adjustable: VRFA-10A
- 2 way pressure compensated, fully adjustable: VRFB-10A | VRFE-12A
- 3 way pressure compensated, fixed setting: VRFC-10A-TF | VRFC-12A-TF
- 3 way pressure compensated, partially adjustable: VRFC-10A
- 3 way pressure compensated, fully adjustable: VRFD-10A | VRFD-12A
- Flow divider: DSDN-10A | DSDN-16A
- Flow divider and combiner: DRFN-10A | DRFN-16A
Logic elements and compensators
- Flow and pressure control with external pilot: VLST-10A | VLST-12A | VLST-16A | VLST-20A
- Flow and pressure control with internal pilot: VLSP-10A | VLSP-12A | VLSP-16A | VLSP-20A
- Flow control with external pilot: VLSC-10A | VLSC-10A-8-TF | VLSC-12A | VLSC-16A | VLSC-20A
- Pressure control with internal pilot: VLSR-10A | VLSR-12A | VLSR-16A | VLSR-20A
- Pressure compensator: VLSQ-10A | VLSQ-12A | VLSQ-16A
- Pressure compensator combination type: VCSQ-10A | VCSQ-12A | VCSQ-16A
- Pressure compensator with static load sense: VRLA-10A-S | VRLA-12A-S | VRLA-16A-S | VRLA-20A-S
- Pressure compensator with dynamic load sense: VRLA-10A-D | VRLA-12A-D | VRLA-16A-D | VRLA-20A-D
- Directional control, poppet type: VLDT-10A
Directional, spool type direct acting
- External pilot, internal drain: VDSA-10A | VDSA-10A-6 | VDSA-16A | VDSB-10A | VDSB-10A-6 | VDSB-16A | VDSH-10A | VDSH-16A | VDSK-10A | VDSK-10A
- Internal pilot, external drain: VDSR-10A-6
- External pilot, external drain: VDSE-10A-6
- External pilot, external vent: VDSC-10A | VDSC-12A | VDSC-16A | VDSD-10A | VDSD-16A | VDSJ-10A | VDSJ-16A
- External pilot, port vented: VDSJ-16A-RN
- Piloted, 4 ways: VDSP-20B | VDSP-20B-R
Directional, manual operated poppet type
- 2-way normally closed: VMI-8A-2A-06-NC | VMI-8A-2A-06-NC-VU | VMI-8A-2A-09-NC | VMI-8A-2A-12-NC
- 2-way normally open: VMI-8A-2A-06-NA | VMI-8A-2A-06-NA-VU | VMI-8A-2A-09-NA | VMI-8A-2A-12-NA
Directional, hydraulic operated poppet type
- 2-way normally closed: VOI-8A-2A-06-NC | VOI-8A-2A-06-NC-VU | VOI-8A-2A-09-NC | VOI-8A-2A-12-NC
- 2-way normally open: VOI-8A-2A-06-NA | VOI-8A-2A-06-NA-VU | VOI-8A-2A-09-NA | VOI-8A-2A-12-NA
Directional, pneumatic operated poppet type
- 2-way normally closed: VPI-8A-2A-06-NC | VPI-8A-2A-06-NC-VU | VPI-8A-2A-09-NC | VPI-8A-2A-12-NC
Please contact us for details, advice and configuration options, or if you cannot see the Bosch Rexroth Oil Control mechanical cartridge valves that you need listed – our award-winning team will still be able to help!