Hydraulic power is defined as flow multiplied by pressure. The hydraulic power supplied by a pump is: Power = (P x Q) ÷ 600… Wait! Stop right there!
There is absolutely no denying that hydraulics is a complicated matter, but let’s leave the mathematical calculations in the safe hands of the engineers and explore some of the magic beyond the scientific formula and calculations.
Many people take Pascal’s Law and fluid power for granted, not realising the enormous impact that hydraulic engineering has on the world around us, and how it continues to contribute to pioneering break-throughs in new innovations and research.
Here at Hydraulics Online, we understand that we’re not merely providing hydraulic equipment components; we’re providing support for amazing system solutions powered by fluid! In fact, we would put our necks out to say that hydraulic power is one of the most important technological advancements of all time. It’s used in so many everyday applications, from car braking systems and dishwashers to fuel pumps and amusement park rides.
So what exactly are hydraulics?
Hydraulics is a technology and applied science, an engineering discipline, that generates power via the use of pressurised liquids. To illustrate it in more simple terms, hydraulics power the jet of water sprayed by a child’s water pistol or the suction of a sink plunger.
Advanced hydraulics can be found in heavy earth-moving equipment, cranes and lifting platforms, industrial machinery and off-road vehicles.
Hydraulics are even hard at work in the human body! Download our free e-book ‘The Beginner’s Guide to Hydraulics’ to find out more.
Let’s take a look at some amazing examples of real-life hydraulic applications; ways in which hydraulics are used. Fasten your seat belts. Let’s go…
Supersonic Concorde
In partnership with Heritage Concorde, Hydraulics Online has helped restore life to three retired Concorde aircraft. The Hydraulics Online technical team designed custom-made hydraulic systems that allow the visors and iconic ‘droop nose’ to be lowered and raised at any time. You could say they’re the best nose jobs in history!
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Elon Musk’s SpaceX Hyperloop Project
Hydraulics continue to play an important part in pioneering research and innovation. Our collaboration in the SpaceX Hyperloop prototype pod, engineered by the HypED team at Edinburgh University, involved technical expertise and hydraulic equipment for the pod’s dynamic high-speed braking system.
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Wind Power
Did you know? Although the main purpose of a wind turbine is to convert the air around us into electricity, sometimes they need a helping hand from hydraulics to provide the muscle that pitches the wind-turbine blades.
This animation sequence shows large wind turbines using complex Bosch Rexroth hydraulics to achieve their energy savings.

State-of-the-Art Lifts / Elevators
Hydraulics are used to power elevators, or lifts, of all shapes and sizes – they don’t need to be boring metal boxes carrying people up and down. One of the most exotic lifts in the world surely has to be the hydraulic lift in the Louvre, Paris.

Jurassic Dinosaurs!
Yes, literally! We love the amazing hydraulic technology used in Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom.
Step inside the factory of the world’s top animatronics company where robotic dinosaurs come alive before your eyes!

Shark Elevators for Pioneering Research
Click through to the National Geographic website to learn how this giant, ship-mounted hydraulic lift hoists great white sharks out of the ocean off the Mexican coast, offering unprecedented research opportunities.

State-of-the-Art Houses
We are in love with this house in Tuscany. Aside from being in a beautiful part of the world it has a hydraulic roof which lifts up so that you can gaze at the stars from your very own bedroom!

Did you know that hydraulics are used in the braking system of the cars we drive? They’re also used to draw fuel from a petrol pump to your vehicle – real fluid power engineering!

Roller Coasters
Did you know? Theme parks = hydraulics fun land! Most attractions like the big wheel and the roller coasters are all powered by hydraulics in one way, shape or form.
From around the corner to the other side of the world, seven days a week, Hydraulics Online is contacted by customers from all walks of life in a wide variety of industries.
Have YOU come across any other examples of amazing hydraulic applications? If so, we’d love to hear from you!
Hydraulics are a powerful force. We feel extremely lucky to operate within this extraordinary global industry, whether it’s preserving the past or propelling new innovations into the future – we love powering the world!
Have you come across the magic of hydraulics? Perhaps you have an image or example to share, which we could potentially feature on this page? We would love to hear from you via: feedback@hydraulicsonline.com
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