Bosch Rexroth GoTo Products

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Home News Bosch Rexroth GoTo Products

In a world that never stops, fast response times are crucial for machine manufacturing, servicing and maintenance alike – where unscheduled and protracted downtime just isn’t an option.

Rexroth started as an iron forging company in 1795, but in the 1950s they entered the hydraulics market – quickly becoming a global leader. Today they are an international force, driving the digital transformation for the ‘Factory of the Future’, offering sustainable solutions for manufacturing.

Reliable, swift delivery of machine components is critical… that’s why Bosch Rexroth launched their GoTo delivery programme adding production capacity to a diverse range of the most highly demanded mobile and industrial products on industry-best lead times.

The programme offers a level of flexibility, responsiveness and certainty that was simply not possible before; hydraulic systems can be constructed swiftly and proficiently, while the short, reliable delivery times also enable reduced inventories and capital commitments.

Bosch Rexroth GoTo

The Bosch Rexroth GoTo hydraulic product range continues to grow, but comprises: pumps, motors, check valves, directional valves, pressure control valves, flow control valves, proportional valves, standard manifolds, proportional electronics, mobile electronics, mobile controls, compact hydraulics, power packs and motor pump groups, accumulators, filtration systems, accessories and after-market parts.

Bosch Rexroth-GoTo Hydraulic Products

You can find lots more information here on Bosch Rexroth and view some of the Bosch Rexroth GoTo product range.