Quality Hydraulic Power (QHP)

Quality Hydraulic Power Limited (QHP), now part of the Hydac group, is one of Europe’s leading manufacturers of gas-loaded bladder, piston and diaphragm accumulators. They offer both standard and bespoke accumulators.

Quality Hydraulic Power (QHP) was founded in 1987 and has established a reputation for excellence in all aspects of hydraulic accumulator design and manufacture. Today, their accumulators are employed globally in all sectors of industry, from offshore, subsea and petrochemical to mining, mobile and defence. Their products provide solutions all over and for almost every application – whether it be 3000 metres subsea or within very harsh topside environments.

QHP specialise in the customisation of any product to meet customers’ specific needs. Equally, their standard accumulators offer complete product inter-changeability with most other recognised accumulator manufacturers. Currently, their product range includes: bladder accumulators, fabricated bladders, piston accumulators, custom and special products. In addition they also produce: diaphragm accumulators, filters, coolers, spares and accessories, safety blocks and electronics.

Since 2008, HYDAC has become QHP’s sister company. This means that QHP also offer many of their products individually or as part of a package to suit customer needs and applications.

Quality Hydraulic Power

Please contact us for further technical guidance or if you cannot see the QHP accumulator or hydraulic equipment that you need listed below – we’ll be happy to help!

QHP Product Range

QHP Accumulator Charging Kit

QHP Accumulator Charging Sets

QHP accumulator charging and testing sets enable accumulators to be charged with nitrogen or checked to change the existing pre-charge…


QHP Accumulator Clamps

QHP accumulator clamps can be used to safely secure all types of QHP accumulator in position. A number of sizes…


QHP Bladder Accumulator Brackets

QHP bladder accumulator brackets enable the quick and safe mounting of bladder accumulators. They are sized to suit the full…

QHP Bladder Accumulators

QHP Bladder Accumulators

QHP bladder accumulators are available in a variety of sizes from 1 to 57 litres. They have a fully repairable…


QHP Diaphragm Accumulators

QHP diaphragm accumulators are particularly suitable for damping pressure fluctuations in hydraulic systems that are due to: Flow rate fluctuations…


QHP Fabricated Bladder Accumulators

QHP fabricated bladder accumulators are constructed from stainless steel. They are available in a range of standard sizes from 1…

QHP Piston Accumulators

QHP Piston Accumulators

QHP piston accumulators are available in a range of sizes, typically 0.5 to 500 litres. They can be provided in…


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