Hydraulic Formulas and Calculations

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Learn about the basic hydraulic formulas, calculations and parameters that apply to hydraulic engineering and how they determine hydraulic system and component performance.

Basic Hydraulic Principles

Hydraulic engineering is based on an area of physics known as fluid dynamics; this important branch of science deals with the movement of fluids. An understanding of the key principles of fluid dynamics is, therefore, essential for anyone who wishes to build or maintain hydraulic systems.

As a science, we can calculate many of a hydraulic system’s properties and behaviours by using known variables. We’ve collated some of the most important hydraulic formulas and calculations that you’re likely to need here.

Hydraulic Formulas »

Force, Pressure and Area

F = p x A

p = F / A

A = F / p


F = Force (N)

p = Pressure (Pa)

A = Area (m²)

Q = S x A triangle »

Speed, Flow Rate and Area

Q = S x A

S = Q / A

A = Q / S


S = Speed (cm/s)

Q = Flow Rate (cm³/min)

A = Area (cm²)


P = (Q x p) / 600


P = Power (kW)

p = Pressure (Bar)

Q = Flow Rate (l/min)

600 = Constant

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New to hydraulic terminology? Our Hydraulics Glossary contains over 140 hydraulic terms and definitions used in fluid power engineering…

Hydraulic Formulas for Motors and Pumps

While motor and pumps look similar they actually serve different purposes, pumps use an external power source like an engine or electric motor to provide flow within a hydraulic system. A hydraulic motor on the other hand generates rotational force when fluid flows through it. Here are some formulas you can use to calculate useful figures when working with hydraulic pump and motors.


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T = (P x 9549) / n


T = Torque (Nm)

P = Power (kW)

n = Speed (rpm)

9549 = Constant

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Power (kW)

P = (T x n) / 9549


P = Power (kW)

T = Torque (Nm)

n = Speed (rpm)

9549 = Constant

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Power (Hydraulic)

Ph = (Q x p) / 600


Ph = Hydraulic Power (kW)

Q = Flow Rate (l/min)

p = Pressure (bar)

600 = Conversion constant

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T = (D x p) / 20π


T = Torque (Nm)

p = Pressure (bar)

D = Displacement (cm³/rev)

Constant = 20π

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D = (T x 20π) / p


T = Torque (Nm)

p = Pressure (bar)

D = Displacement (cm³/rev)

Constant = 20π

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Flow Rate

Q = (D x n) / 1000


Q = Flow Rate (l/min)

D = Pump Displacement (cm³/rev)

n = Speed (rpm)

1000 = Constant (converts cm³/min to litres/min)

An introduction to the different types of hydraulic motors

Want to learn more about hydraulic motors? Our free introduction to the different kinds of motors is a great place to start!

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Expand your hydraulic engineering knowledge further by visiting our Fluid Power Technical Knowledge Hub…

Hydraulic Formulas for Hydraulic Cylinders

When people imagine hydraulics systems, they probably picture articulated machines, powered by hydraulic cylinders.

Like muscles to hydraulic systems, cylinders are linear actuators that use hydraulic fluid to make light work of lifting, lowering or moving with massive amounts of force. Here are some formulas you can use to calculate important measurements relating to hydraulic cylinders.

Piston Area »

Piston Area

A = πd² / 4


A = Area (cm²)

d = Bore Diameter (cm)

Hydraulics Annulus area »

Annulus Area

A3 = A1 – A2


A1 = πd1² / 4 = Piston Area

A2 = πd2² / 4 = Rod Area

A3 = Annulus Area

Hydraulic Formulas »

Force, Area and Pressure

F = p x A

p = F / A

A = F / p


F = Force (N)

P = Pressure (Pa)

A = Area (m²)

Q = S x A triangle »

Speed, Flow and Area

Q = S x A

S = Q / A

A = Q / S


S = Speed (cm/s)

Q = Flow Rate (cm³/min)

A = Area (cm²)

The Ultimate Guide to Hydraulic Cylinders

When people imagine hydraulics systems, they probably picture articulated machines, powered by hydraulic cylinders.

Like muscles to hydraulic systems, cylinders are everywhere; but how do they work? And what are the different kinds?

Learn more

Hydraulic Cylinder Maintenance

Regular hydraulic cylinder maintenance is crucial to the upkeep and performance of your system.

Here we share our top tips for successful hydraulic cylinder maintenance.

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Pressure Drop

When fluid moves through a hydraulic system, there is a gradual loss of pressure due to a number of factors such as pipeline resistance, and different components such as valves. This decrease in pressure is known as ‘pressure drop’ and can be calculated using the formulas below.

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Pressure Drop at a Change of Flow

Δp2 = Δp1 (Q2 / Q1


Δp1 = Pressure before Flow Change (bar)

Δp2 = Pressure after Change in Flow (bar)

Q1 = Original Flow (l/min)

Q2 = Flow after Change (l/min)

pressure drop diameter change »

Pressure Drop at a Change of Diameter

Δp2 = Δp1 (d1 / d2)4


Δp1 = Pressure before Flow Change (bar)

Δp2 = Pressure after Change in Flow (bar)

d1 = Original Diameter (mm)

d2 = Diameter after Change (mm)


Pressure Drop at a Change of Viscosity

Δp2 = Δp1 (V2/ V1) 0.25


Δp1 = Pressure before Flow Change (bar)

Δp2 = Pressure after Change in Flow (bar)

v1 = Original Viscosity (cSt)

v2 = Viscosity after Change (cSt)

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