Danfoss PVG proportional valves are designed for the most demanding tasks. The models integrate multiple functions in a compact package to provide strong, smooth and consistent performance.
The Danfoss PVG range utilises modular electro-hydraulic valves to ensure smooth machine control and provide an almost infinite number of configurations. Anything from simple load-sensing solutions to CAN bus communication is available.
These valves can move the largest of loads or precisely control with accurate and intuitive control. They address many unique challenges while delivering increased machine productivity; keeping pace with shorter modern product cycles.
The range comprises:
- PVG 16: low-flow valves for simple or complex needs, using proven technology and components for personalised valve stacks.
- PVG 32: designed for maximum flexibility, configurable with an advanced electrically controlled proportional valve and a load-sensing directional control valve.
- PVG 100: this valve utilises flow-sharing technology with post-compensated and load-sensing capabilities. It is ideal in systems where flow demand regularly pushes oil supply to the limits.
- PVG 120: built for high user controllability with a load-sensing valve suitable for a high flow pressure application.
- PVG 128 | PVG 256: made for highly technical control of the most demanding of applications. Designed for the highest flow and pressure requirements.