Euro Press Pack Hydraulic Cylinders

The manufacturing programme of 700 bar, Euro Press Pack hydraulic cylinders is based on innovative technology and long-standing experience in high-pressure hydraulics…

High quality materials are surface treated to protect against corrosion making Euro Press Pack hydraulic cylinders suitable for use in even the harshest of environments. The cylinder body, piston and end of stroke nut are in high quality tempered steel and are treated with a special nitriding process so that these parts have a high wear resistance and are corrosion protected; they have a long outdoor service life, even in sea-water and aggresive atmospheres. Euro Press Pack cylinders can also withstand off-centred and side load forces up to 8% of their nominal capacity

The full range of Euro Press Pack cylinders comprises:

  • Load Return Cylinders (single-acting): in which the piston is retracted by the weight of the load, or any other external force. The minimum force required to retract the piston is approximately 0.2% of the rated cylinder push value. These cylinders are the most economical solution that does not require quick removal of the cylinder after the load has been lowered. Euro Press Pack hydraulic cylinders in this range are the CGG, CGR and CGS series.
  • Spring Return Cylinders (single-acting): spring assisted return, in which the piston is retracted by means of an internal compression or tension spring inside the cylinder. These cylinders are proposed whenever it is necessary to remove the cylinder quickly once the load has been lowered. Euro Press Pack cylinders in this range are the CMC, CMF, CMI, CML, CMP and CMT series.
  • Oil Return (double-acting):  the piston is retracted hydraulically by pumping oil into the anular chamber of the cylinder. These cylinders are ideal for use in production applications where fast cycle time is required. When being used in a lifting application, lowering of the load can be controlled by fitting a pilot check valve and one-way flow-distributor into the circuit. The return pressure can be set at a lower value when it is only needed to retract the piston. Hydraulic cylinders in this range are the Euro Press Pack COF, COI and COS series, with the COD suitable when a pulling force needs to be exerted. These cylinders may also be operated at the maximum working pressure on both sides of the piston

Please contact us if you cannot see the Euro Press Pack cylinders that you need – we’ll still be able to help!
